
May 2007 Meeting Minutes

I want to thank all who attended the May 2007 meeting. We had another great turn out. Sixteen people showed up to hear about Spring in the enterprise and how to develop web applications using the Spring MVC framework.

Speaker Doug Johnson provided a comprehensive coverage of Spring and its usage. He started with an introductory coverage of the technology including the definition of Spring technologies, the API, the terms, and the architectural setup used to create a Spring MVC applications. Doug provided plenty of code samples showing how to use the different interceptors, controllers and views and to how to create spring-driven using POJO's wired within the spring context.

Presentation Materials:
Click here to download presentation slides and sample code.

Special Thanks
Doug Johnson - for delivering a great presentation
GCA.Net (venue) - Amy for taking care of the group and staying late
Sun Microsystems - Support for the JUG
Rita Technologies - Great Westshore Pizza

Stay tuned for June's meeting.