Monday, July 21, 2014

July 2014 Meeting - Java on Docker

This month, we want to explore Docker and its use in the Java enterprise application world.  Docker ( is one of the fastest growing technologies in the 12 months.  Written Go ;), Docker lets you bundle your application inside a computing unit called a container that can be distributed, thus lessening the traditional error-prone dance of application deployment.
RSVP: Go to to let us know you are planning on coming to learn about Docker.
Note: the meeting will be held next Tuesday, July 29th at the ValPak location.
Java on Docker
For our July 2014 meeting, speaker Vladimir Vivien will explore the use of Docker as a deployable container for Java application.  Topics (for this presentation may) include:
  • Introduction to Docker
  • Creating a Docker Image
  • Docker Setup for Java
  • Demo
  • Tools and Providers
Meeting Info
Speaker(s) : Vladimir Vivien
Date: Tuesday, July 29, 2014
Networking: 6:30 pm
Presentation: 07:00 - 8:30 pm
Valpak Headquarters
1 Valpak Ave N
St Petersburg, FL 33716
Make sure to RSVP to ensure access to the building at

Valpak Food & Venue
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Friday, June 13, 2014

June 2014 Meeting - Mule, the Open Source ESB

For the Tampa Java User Group's June 2014 meeting, it will be all about Mule, Mulesoft's open source ESB. Are you responsible or maintaining brittle code in your enterprise? The sort of code that can ruin your entire day when you have to make a change to it because it will break everything it touches?  Then, you owe it to yourself to attend this talk on Mule by Bob Damato of Valpak.

RSVP: Go to to let us know if you plan to attend this awesome meeting.
NOTE: the meeting will be Wed, June 25 2014, (not our usual Tuesday) at the ValPak headquarters in St Petersburg, FL.

Mule, an Open Source ESB
An Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) is fundamentally an architecture. It is a set of rules and principles for integrating numerous applications together over a bus-like infrastructure. ESB products enable users to build this type of architecture, but vary in the way that they do it and the capabilities that they offer.

The core concept of the ESB architecture is that you integrate different applications by putting a communication bus between them and then enable each application to talk to the bus. This decouples systems from each other, allowing them to communicate without dependency on or knowledge of other systems on the bus.

The concept of ESB was born out of the need to move away from point-to-point integration, which becomes brittle and hard to manage over time. Point-to-point integration results in custom integration code being spread among applications with no central way to monitor or troubleshoot. This is often referred to as "spaghetti code" and does not scale because it creates tight dependencies between applications.

Join us for our June 2014 meeting to learn about some high level concepts and use-cases for where Mule and the ESB architecture could play a role in your organization.
Bob Damato, Director of Software Engineering – Valpak
Bob has been a self-described computer geek since he fell in love with his first Commodore 64 at eight years old. He developed his first business software systems (email, accounting, and order management) in the early 90’s while working as a graphic artist for his family’s commercial printing business.

Bob joined Valpak in 1995 as a Graphic Artist but discovered the IT department and set his sights on becoming part of that team. His “official” IT career started in 1996 as Tech Support Specialist repairing desktop Macs and PCs, but his true passion remained in software development. During his time in Tech Support he studied C, C++, and Visual Basic, as well as Windows, Unix and Database Administration. His IT career progressed as he spent a year each as NT Admin, Unix Admin and finally Database Admin.

Then in 2000, he became Lead Software Developer for the team and he was finally able to pursue his passion. Bob spent a year in that role before becoming Valpak’s Internet Technology Manager where, over the next nine years, he architected and led the development of over 50 web applications and six revisions of He was promoted to Software Development Manager in 2010 and was given responsibility for all of Valpak’s software development.

In 2011, he was promoted to Director of Software Engineering and he currently leads the Software Engineering and QA teams that build and maintain the systems that support Valpak’s sales and order process, digital products, mobile apps, GIS mapping solutions, content management, and delivery logistics.

Meeting Info
Speaker(s) : Bob Damato
Date: Wednesday, June 25, 2014
Networking: 6:30 pm
Presentation: 07:00 - 8:30 pm
Valpak Headquarters
1 Valpak Ave N
St Petersburg, FL 33716

Meeting RSVP
Make sure to RSVP to ensure access to the building at
Valpak Food & Venue
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Friday, May 9, 2014

May 2014 Meeting - From JEE to Cloud Foundry: A PaaS Journey

Have you ever wondered how you can get your JEE-based to benefit from PaaS services such as easy deployment, configurable request routing, and resource scaling?  For the Tampa Java(VM) User Group meeting for May 2014, Joshua Davis (Pivotal) will discuss Cloud Foundry, the Open Source Platform as a Service (PaaS) that is power many commercial public and on-premise cloud offering.  Join us to learn how you can take your current JEE-based app an migrate to the Cloud Foundry open PaaS.

RSVP - Go to to let us know if you will be joining us.
NOTE: The meeting will be on Tues May 20 at KForce headquarters, in Ybor City.

From JEE to Cloud Foundry:
A PaaS Journey
This session will go through the concept behind Platform As A Service (PAAS) and how Cloud Foundry works to make Java Development faster and more productive.  We will walk through developing an application and show the differences and advantages to using Cloud Foundry over other approaches.  In addition the session will show the pre-requisites for using Cloud Foundry, and the steps to convert a JEE application built with JMS into one that can be enabled on the cloud.


Born in Brooklyn, NY, Joshua Davis graduated from Blackburn College in Carlinville, IL (1989) with a degree in Computer Science. Early on in his career Joshua worked for Telecom and the Travel related industry and specialized in C++ with the Oracle toolset (PRO*C, PL/SQL, Forms, Reports, etc.). After spending time learning Java from Bruce Eckel, Joshua decided to become a Java Developer and has been programming in Java since 1999. In 2004 he met Rod Johnson at the J2EE Server Side Only Conference and has been a Spring Framework advocate ever since. Joshua spoke at SpringOne and the GR8 conference in 2010. He has also published articles in Groovy and Grails magazine. After working for two international consulting firms, he joined VMWare Professional Services in 2011 and transitioning into Pivotal PSO in 2013. Joshua is married with two teenage children and has lived in the Orlando, FL area for 24 years. His favorite recreational activity is competitive running and has played Tennis for 30 years.

Meeting Info
Speaker(s) : Joshua Davis
Date: Tuesday, May 20, 2014
Networking: 6:30 pm
Presentation: 07:00 - 8:30 pm
KForce Headquarters
1001 E. Palm Ave.
Tampa, Florida  33605

Meeting RSVP
Make sure to RSVP to ensure access to the building at
KForce - Food & Venue

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Thursday, May 1, 2014

April 2014 - Meeting Wrap up

Big thanks to all who attended Tuesday's presentation on JDK 8 for April's 2014 meeting.  Another superb thank you to Bob Damato of Valpak for the great food and venue. 
Meeting Material
  • Presentation Deck
  • JDK 8 Feature List
  • Java 8 Tutorial

Up Coming Meetings
We are working on upcoming meetings for May. June, and July.
If you are interested being a presenter for the Tampa Java User Group, let us know.

Valpak Corp - Food & Venue
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Monday, April 21, 2014

April 2014 Meeting - Exploring Java 8

This month, we will explore Java 8, the latest edition to Java platform.  Java 8 introduced numerous language features and API changes.  While some changes are merely surface deep, others introduce fundamental changes to language idioms that will have profound effects on how Java is used in the foreseeable future.  For the April 2014 meeting, presenter, Vladimir Vivien, will cover the changes and features of Java 8 that will most likely impact your day-to-day development activities.
RSVP - Go to to let us know you are coming.
NOTE: The April meeting will be held at ValPak headquarters, St Petersburg.

Exploring Java 8
In this presentation will provide a high (very high) level summary of the new features and updates introduced in the Java 8.  While a deep coverage of the major changes of the platform is out of scope, you will get plenty of fun facts to kick start your curiosity!
  • Lambda Expressions
  • Method Handles
  • Default Methods
  • Streams
  • Date and Time
  • Concurrency
  • Platform Profiles
  • JDBC Changes
  • Tools updates
  • Etc.
This will be a fun and fast moving session to ensure we cover (most of) everything.
Meeting Info
Speaker(s) : Vladimir Vivien
Date: Tuesday, Apr 29, 2014
Networking: 6:30 pm

Presentation: 07:00 - 8:30 pm
ValPak Headquarters
1 Valpak Ave N
St Petersburg, FL 33716

Meeting RSVP
Make sure to RSVP to ensure access to the building at

Valpak Corp - Food & Venue
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Thursday, March 6, 2014

2014 Call for Presenters

During the next 10 months of 2014, we want to extend the opportunity to our member body to present to the group.  If you are passionate about a subject or want to force yourself to learn something interesting, consider becoming a presenter for the Tampa Java(VM) User Group.  As long as it is vaguely related to the JVM (with room for just about all technical topics) consider becoming a presenter.  It may even benefit your career.
Some suggestions
  • Java/JDK 8
  • Lesser Known Java Features
  • JDK Optimization for Production
  • Introduction to Scala (or Akka or Play Framework)
  • Ruby on the JVM
  • Groovy Today
  • The Grails Framework
  • Spring 4.0
  • Exploring MapReduce
  • Exploring M/R on Spark
  • First step with the Cassandra
  • A Look into Cascading / Scalding
  • Machine Learning on the JVM
  • Java on PaaS (Cloudfoundry, Heroku, GAE, Beanstalk, etc)
  • The JVM on
  • The JVM on Apache Mesos
  • JavaFX Today
  • Functional Programming on the JVM
  • Etc
You want to become a presenter? Send email to or DM @tampajug on Twitter.  Don't see your favorite subject in the list? Let us know and volunteer to share your ideas about your favorite tech.

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Tuesday, February 11, 2014

February 2014 - Scalable Enterprise Messaging with RabbitMQ

February 2014 Meeting
Hello, and get ready to attend our second meeting of 2014. The theme for our February 2014 meeting is around scalable, fast, and polyglot messaging using RabbitMQ, an open source enterprise-class messaging broker.  For this event, we will have speaker Vladimir Vivien (Pivotal Software, Inc) to show how RabbitMQ can scale to meet both your messaging and your business requirements with little fuss.   So come join us on Tuesday, February 25 at the KForce offices in beautiful Ybor to learn about RabbitMQ.

RSVP to gain access to the building at
NOTE: The meeting will be in Tampa this time at the KForce Offices in Ybor.
Scalable Enterprise Messaging with RabbitMQ
In many Java projects, messaging has traditionally been either an after thought or ignored all together .  Let's face it, the current JMS API (and the brokers that support it) are from the early EJB era where fragility rather than agility was the driving factor.  While JMS is the workhorse in numerous enterprises, it has several shortcomings that make it less than ideal for emerging polyglot and agile technological ecosystems.

This presentation is to provide a high-level introductory view of modern messaging using RabbitMQ, an open source messaging platform.  We will explore RabbitMQ protocols, its language-neutral approach to messaging, and how it can scale to handle your enterprise messaging needs.
Understanding the AMQP Protocol
Introduction to RabbitMQ
Messaging with Java + RabbitMQ
RabbitMQ as a Polyglot Messaging Broker
Scaling RabbitMQ for the Enterprise

Meeting Info
Speaker(s) : Vladimir Vivien
Date: Tuesday, Feb 25 2014
Networking: 6:30 pm
Presentation: 07:00 - 8:30 pm
KForce Tampa Offices
1001 E Palm Ave
Tampa, FL 33605

Meeting RSVP

Make sure to RSVP to ensure access to the building at

KForce - Food & Venue

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