Our July presentation will be on web development using the Spring 3 stack by Keith Donald of Spring Source (the company that created the Spring Framework).
Spring provides a full open-source stack for building, running, and managing web applications on the Java platform. This session provides an overview of this stack and shows how the pieces fit together. Attendees learn how Spring simplifies the development and deployment of enterprise web applications.
-= Presentation =-
Developing web applications with the Spring 3 Web Stack
Spring Web MVC is a popular web framework, and the foundation of the Spring 3 Web Stack. Version 3.0 of Spring MVC introduces major new features, including support for annotated @Controllers, comprehensive REST support, convention-over-configuration, an enhanced data binding and UI messaging facility, and declarative validation support. This presentation shows you how to apply these core features to gain development productivity and implementation consistency.
Building on Spring MVC are a number of interesting modules. Spring Web Flow adds significant power for implementing multi-step flows within a Spring MVC-based app. Spring Javascript integrates leading UI toolkits such as Dojo for adding Ajax behaviors to your web application. Spring BlazeDS integration allows you to build Spring-powered RIAs with Flex. This presentation provides you an overview of these technologies, and shows you how to put these technologies into practice.
Attend this presentation to see what Spring offers Java web application developers!
-= Meeting Info =-
Speaker: Keith Donald
Organization: Spring Source
Date: Tuesday, 07/28/09
Networking: 6:30 pm
Presentation: 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
If you plan to attend, arrive early as main door locks at 7.00 pm. An RSVP email will be sent later from tampa.jug at gmail.com [check spam filter]. Be sure to respond so we can plan accordingly. There will be food and plenty of prizes and giveaways.
-= Location =-
GCA Technologies Solution
4919 Memorial Hwy. Suite 150
Tampa, FL 33634
Google Map
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