Hello Java Developers,
Ever wonder how companies such as Yahoo, Google, Facebook, Amazon, financial organizations, and others are able to process large amount of data? For our Feb 2010 meeting, Speaker Matthew McCullough, from the NFJS Java Software Symposium conference series, will do a presentation on distributed computing. He will explore Apahce Hadoop, a production-ready Java framework that uses the MapReduce strategy to process large amount of data using grids of commodity machines. The meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, Feb 23 and promised to be packed with interesting information to get you started with distributed computing.
-= Presentation =-
Hadoop: Divide and Conquer Gigantic Datasets (Intro)
Moore's law has finally hit the wall and CPU speeds have actually decreased in the last few years. The industry is reacting with hardware with an ever-growing number of cores and software that can leverage "grids" of distributed, often commodity, computing resources. But how is a traditional Java developer supposed to easily take advantage of this revolution? The answer is the Apache Hadoop family of projects. Hadoop is a suite of Open Source APIs at the forefront of this grid computing revolution and is considered the absolute gold standard for the divide-and-conquer model of distributed problem crunching. The well-travelled Apache Hadoop framework is curently being leveraged in production by prominent names such as Yahoo, IBM, Amazon, Adobe, AOL, Facebook and Hulu just to name a few.
In this session, you'll start by learning the vocabulary unique to the distributed computing space. Next, we'll discover how to shape a problem and processing to fit the Hadoop MapReduce framework. We'll then examine the incredible auto-replicating, redundant and self-healing HDFS filesystem. Finally, we'll fire up several Hadoop nodes and watch our calculation process get devoured live by our Hadoop cluster. At this talk's conclusion, you'll understand the suite of Hadoop tools and where each one fits in the aim of conquering large data sets.
-= Speaker Bio =-
Matthew McCullough is an energetic 12 year veteran of enterprise software development, open source education, and co-founder of Ambient Ideas, LLC, a Denver consultancy. Matthew currently is a member of the JCP, reviewer for technology publishers including O'Reilly, author of the DZone Maven RefCard, and President of the Denver Open Source Users Group. His experience includes successful J2EE, SOA, and Web Service implementations for real estate, financial management, and telecommunications firms, and several published open source libraries.
Matthew jumps at opportunities to evangelize and educate teams on the benefits of open source. His current interests are Cloud Computing, Maven, iPhone, Distributed Version Control, and OSS Tools.
For more about Matthew, visit http://www.nofluffjuststuff.com/conference/speaker/matthew_mccullough.
-= Meeting Info =-
Speaker: Matthew McCullough
Organization: NFJS Speaker
Date: Tuesday, 02/23/2010
Networking: 6:30 pm
Presentation: 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
If you plan to attend, arrive early as main door locks at 7.00 pm. An RSVP email will be sent later from tampa.jug at gmail.com [check spam filter]. Be sure to respond so we can plan accordingly. There will befood and plenty of prizes and giveaways.
-= Location =-
GCA Technologies Solution
4919 Memorial Hwy. Suite 150
Tampa, FL 33634
Google Map
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