During the next 10 months of 2014, we want to extend the opportunity to our member body to present to the group. If you are passionate about a subject or want to force yourself to learn something interesting, consider becoming a presenter for the Tampa Java(VM) User Group. As long as it is vaguely related to the JVM (with room for just about all technical topics) consider becoming a presenter. It may even benefit your career.
- Java/JDK 8
- Lesser Known Java Features
- JDK Optimization for Production
- Introduction to Scala (or Akka or Play Framework)
- Ruby on the JVM
- Groovy Today
- The Grails Framework
- Spring 4.0
- Exploring MapReduce
- Exploring M/R on Spark
- First step with the Cassandra
- A Look into Cascading / Scalding
- Machine Learning on the JVM
- Java on PaaS (Cloudfoundry, Heroku, GAE, Beanstalk, etc)
- The JVM on Docker.io
- The JVM on Apache Mesos
- JavaFX Today
- Functional Programming on the JVM
- Etc
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Twitter - http://twitter.com/tampajug
Google+ Page - Google.com/+TampajugOrg