
Using Apache Ant for Enterprise Development

Apache Ant is a tool that should be in the toolbox of every Java developer. Ant can help standardize your Java build environment, work with a variety of powerful, 3rd party tools, and be extended with custom Ant tasks to perform specific functions to meet your development needs.

For our June presentation, speaker RJ Salicco will explore
  • The basics of Ant and how to create and structure your build.xml:
  • Core Ant tasks for compiling and packaging
  • How to deploy and execute Java applications
  • Customizing/extending Ant with custom Ant tasks
  • Lastly, using Ant for build automation including
    • code coverage,
    • testing,
    • dependency management
More information about Apache Ant can be found at http://ant.apache.org.

Meeting Details:
Speaker: RJ Salicco
6:30 pm
7:00 pm - 8:00 pm

GCA Technologies Solution
4919 Memorial Hwy. Suite 150
Tampa, FL 33634
Google Map

If you plan to attend, send RSVP to vvivien at yahoo dot com.

Arrive early, building's main door locks automatically at 7:00 pm.
There will be door prize give aways!


GCA Technologies

Intelligent Choas

Sun Micro Systems