
November 2007 Tampa JUG Meeting

On Monday, November 19th, speaker Stephan Schwab of Camito Technologies will help us explore and understand the advantages of Agile Software Development. While the majority of us have heard of agile development, not all of us know what it is or how it is put to use. At the next meeting, you will learn how Agile Software Development can help you and your organization create software more efficiently.

Note: Meeting is on Monday, November 19th NOT the last Tuesday of the month. This meeting will be at our location on Memorial Highway.

Agile Development Best Practices
Starting with a high-level comparison between Waterfall and Agile this presentation educates about how to work "agile" by showing a series of best practices and tries to address some of the criticism against "Agile". In the second part an agile project management tool called Savila, which is currently under development by a small team in Panama, is introduced.

Speaker Bio
Stephan Schwab, a native from Germany, worked on many Software projects in Germany and the US before settling down in Panama, leading his own Software company there. He is specialized in agile software development methodologies such as Scrum, and his company develops an agile project management tool called Savila. Currently he is also writing a book on Acegi Security for Spring.

Meeting Details:
Stephan Schwab, Camito Technologies
6:30 pm
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm

NOTE: If you plan to attend, send RSVP to vvivien at yahoo dot com.
Arrive early, the building's main door locks automatically at 7:00 pm.

GCA Technologies Solution
4919 Memorial Hwy. Suite 150
Tampa, FL 33634

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GCA Technologies